Our Mission

Under all that clutter is where it's all at!
Check your storage room. Is it packed from ceiling to floor?!
We'll take all that stuff, free up some space,!
so you can accumulate more!!
Check out your garage. Is there no room for your car?!
We'll take all that stuff and yes we'll even take that old guitar.!
How about your closets? Don't let those cloth just sit.!
God's pantry can give them to the less fortunate.!
30 pieces of clothing free, per month, per family address.!
We'll all be helping the needy and releasing our unneeded stress.!
Yes we'll gladly take your unwanted, unneeded cloth, toys,!
nick naks, and miscellaneous things.!
Ones fit for a pauper. Ones fit for a king.!
We'll take things that you drive and yes even things that float.!
We'll take that old bike, car and yes even that boat.!
Can't get them to us? Then please give us a call.!
We'll push it – we'll pull it – we'll tow it – whatever it takes,!
because we want it all!!!
There's still needed kitchenware, linens, furniture plus more.!
All your donations is what makes God's Pantry - !
Such A Great, Amazing, Everyone's Store!!
Author: Cheryl Warner