
Volunteers from Shriever's Finest Military Airmen helped assist the children, even riding obstacle courses together. Then at the end, we gave away the 28 bicycles!
Sponsored by the Fountain Landfill, Fountain Walmart, God's Pantry, & Shriever's Finest Military Airmen.
Thank you all for Helping children in need.

We had a cook-out with brauts & all the fixin's, plus a parking-lot sale in Jim's honor. Thanks to the community, we had a great turn-out & raised $1000!
Now Jim has a new chair!
One small problem..
Jim still needs a Wheelchair ramp! In coordination with an Eagle Scout project, we will be taking donations for the construction materials so that the Boy Scouts can build him a safe ramp to his home.
DOCBike Rack

The Rack needs to be commercial grade quality & hold 15-30 bicycles.
Please contact us with any information on where we could find such a great bicycle rack.
Fundraisers & Charity
As a Non-Profit organization we help promote multiple charity events throughout the year as people in need come to us for help. We depend on our community for all of our donations. We help provide food, clothing & furnishings for anyone who needs it. We are non-denominational and work closely with many religious & community organizations.
Remember, there is no shame in asking for help. Everyone goes through rough times & we are here to help eachother!